I thought I would share the kit I have brought over to Canada, I tried to travel light this time and only bring a handful of lenses, but it still ends up being heavy on a 4 hour hike!
The first is my good old trusted Mamiya 645 Pro TL medium format camera with it’s 22mp Imacon Digital back. This has had many a fall but has never let me down, it’s all manual and I love it.
I brought 5 out of the 13 lenses I have – the 45mm, 50mm shift, 80mm F1.9, 120mm macro and 150mm APO. I have found these to be the 5 I use most often on my trips. With all the other gubbins like filters and batteries that go in the bag this weighs about 15kg.
Next is my newest camera and favourite, the Fotoman 617 Large format panoramic camara, with 90mm and 18mm lenses. This takes stunning images 6cm x 17cm wide on film, images when scanned come to 21000 pixels across and 120mp! I love shooting with this although every shot isn’t ideal for the panoramic format, and it can take 15 minutes to set up a shot.